Kamis, 24 Maret 2016


Waskito Hadi Saputro (3EB23)
Npm : 29213234

Ø  Function : the form of the language used for activities at the present time or is happening. like telling event or activity is happening.
Ø  Formula :
a.       S + Infinitive (V1) + S/es
b.      Do + S + Infinitive (V1) ?
c.       Subyek + do + not + Infinitive (V1)
Example :
1.       She works hard everyday = dia (Pr) Bekerja keras setiap hari.
2.       Waskito watch news in a Tv everymorning = Waskito menonton berita setiap pagi.
3.       My friend visit their uncle every Sunday = Teman saya mengunjungi pamannya setiap hari minggu.
4.       Does he school everyday ? = Apakah dia sekolah setiap hari ?
5.       Heru sings in the class yesterday = Heru menyanyi di kelas kemarin.
·         Present Continous Tense
Ø  Function : tense is used to express a situation or event that occurs when the talk.
Ø  Formula :
a.       S + To be + Infinitive + ing
b.      S + To be + not  + Infinitive + ing
Example :
1.       I’m reading a magazine every Monday = Saya membaca majalah setiap senin.
2.       Ferry writing a letter to his father = Ferry menulis Surat untuk ayahnya.
3.       Ani criying in the classroom today = Ani menangis di kelas hari ini.
4.       He is not seeing a his school book = dia (lk) tidak melihat buku sekolahnya.
5.       When is she visiting her grandmother ? = Kapan dia akan berkunjung ke neneknya?
·         Simple past tense
Ø  Function : the form that is used to describe events in the past.
Ø  Formula :
a.       S + V2
b.      S + did + not + infinitive
c.       Did + S Infinitive ?
Example :
1.       He studied English Last Night = Dia belajar tadi malam.
2.       I’m cleaned the classroom yesterday = Saya membersihkan ruangan kelas kemarin
3.       Deni played football with his friend yesterday = Deni bermain bola dengan temannya kemarin.
4.       Did she studied sains last night ? = Apakah dia belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam tadi malam ?
5.       I was not happy last night = Saya tidak gembira tadi malam
·         Past Continous
Ø  Function : past tenses are used to express the circumstances or events that took place in the past
Ø  Formula :
a.       S + Were / Was + Infinitive + ing
b.      S + Was / Were + not + Infinitive + ing
Example :
1.       I was writing a letter  when the bell rang = Saya sedang menulis Sepucuk surat ketika bel berbunyi.
2.       Rita was washing when I visited them yesterday = Rita sedang mencuci ketika saya mengunjungi mereka kemarin.
3.       What were you doing when she came ? = Apa yang sedang kamu kerjakan ketika dia datan ?
4.       We were playing football las afternoon = Kami Sedang bermain sepak bola sore tadi.
5.       He arriving while I was eating my lunch = Dia sedang datang sementara saya sedang makan siang
·         Subject Aggrementn adverb
Ø  Function : Generally in the present tense, singular verb form base form (basic form) of the verb with the added ending (suffix) -s. As for the plural verb with no added ending -s (otherwise, subject plural ending -s added). These rules also apply verb on the subject in the form of a third person (third person, for example: Ricky, Anna) and all personal pronouns (they, we = plural; he, she, it = single), except I and you. Although the form of a single subject, I and you are paired with plural verbs (not including the verb "be" (was, am) on "I").
Example :
1.       My boss always comes on time. = Bos saya selalu datang tepat waktu.
2.       They like eating out. = Mereka suka makan diluar.
3.       The manager has checked the documents = Manager telah mengecek dokumen-dokumen tersebut.
4.       will have been sleeping for an hour when you arrive. = Saya akan sudah tidur selama satu jam ketika kamu tiba.
5.       My books were borrowed by him. = Buku-buku saya dipinjam dia.
6.       I was a stamp collector. = Saya dulu pengoleksi prangko.
7.       The children are naughty. = Anak-anak itu nakal.
8.       We were roasting corn. = Kita sedang membakar jagung.
9.       You go straight ahead then turn left.= Kamu jalan lurus ke depan lalu belok kiri.
10.   Leo rarely eats white bread. = Leo jarang makan roti putih.
·         Pronoun
Ø  Function : words used to replace the noun (noun), which can be a person, object, animal, place, or an abstract concept. Pronouns is one of the eight parts of speech.
Example :
1.       Personal Pronoun 
She prefers to brisk walk to jog. = Dia lebih memilih jalan cepat daripada joging.
Yours is on the table. = Punyamu di atas meja.
2.       Demonstrative Pronoun
This is the most interesting book I have ever read = Ini buku paling menarik yang saya pernah baca
I myself promise not to corrupt the project. = Saya berjanji tidak akan mengorupsi proyek tersebut
I myself promise not to corrupt the project. = Saya berjanji tidak akan mengorupsi proyek tersebut

The packet, which was sent a week ago, has received. Paket tersebut, yang dikirim seminggu lalu, telah diterima.

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